Basement Waterproofing Services
Protect Your Wet Basement with Dwyer's Water Management Systems
Wet Basement, Drainage Problems, Water Seepage, Leaky Cracks
Common Areas Water Can Enter Your Basement:
1. Floor Cracks
2. Cove (Floor & Wall) Joints
3. Under The Footing
4. Over The Footing
5. Foundation Wall Cracks
6. Window Wells
Some of the most common causes of water penetration are from:
- Hydrostatic Pressure
- Cracked or Bowed Walls
- Basement Floor Cracks
- Foundation Settlement
- Poor Soil Compaction
- Clogged or Non-Existent Drain Tile
Dwyer offers two types of Water Management Systems:
- Exterior Waterproofing
- Interior Waterproofing
Exterior Waterproofing System
Dwyer's Exterior Waterproofing System will protect your basement from water seepage through the foundation walls.
Interior Drainage System
By installing the correct Interior Drainage System, you will be relieved knowing the water will be directed away from your basement floor.
Dwyer's Interior Drainage System is the perfect solution for basements with:
- Block Walls
- Poured Concrete Walls
Dwyer installs the most reliable, long lasting, superior quality sump pump in the industry to direct water away from your floor.
Dwyer also installs a battery back-up system to protect against power outages.
Now you can have peace of mind that comes from knowing the area Dwyer serviced will be protected with.

Dwyer's Lifetime Warranty!
*Ask your estimator for details